
humanmusique Friday update:March 15, 2024

Hello again all. I hope things are reasonably well out there. It’s been a jam packed two weeks. Work. house things, life things.. and, the up note?? The one and only option.. Things are good and will definitely get better. So says we and so shall it be.

The photo.. Tis the one and only I, Tom T the alias Papa T deemed so by Ras Injinga, master percussionist and pan master. I wear it proudly. Back to the photo.. This photo is one from my time with the now defunct 724th Air Force Band that was assigned to McChord AFB, Tacoma, WA. The group I performed with was called “Impact”. A very good group of musicians and humans. The environment on the whole and my time in the AFB was one of the richest and certainly some my favorite times as a musician. It was, indeed my first solid job as a professional musician when you include things like regular pay, medical and dental with the occasional Retreat gathering from time to time. I do miss the energy from that time.. and there was some serious talent there. Do your job or you don’t have a job rules make you sit up and pay attention.

Sooo.. now the current events with Dub Project #2 with Papa T. Things are coming along very well. I do believe I’ll have some production company for this project and possibly the following Papa T project. That will be confirmed one way or the other on our next visit in two weeks. Reminder.. for now at least, we’ll be gathering every two weeks. But at this point progress is moving along just fine. For the most part, all the templates are in place. It looks like 10 songs. I’ll have song titles in a bit.. not sure exactly when. As well, there will be some details on the page structure and an annual membership, what comes with the membership and so on in the not too distant future. Working out the wrinkles as I have time. What I need is a friend that gets struck with a philanthropic disease and funds not only my projects but pays my salary as well. then I can quit my day job. Someone out there knows this person.. find them and send them to me.

Alright.. that’s it for now. I’ll be right back here in the same joint on Friday, March 29,2024 with some more information about humanmusique productions things. Take good care and do good things.. the world needs it.

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