
humanmusique Update: Friday, June 14, 2024

Hello, Hello, Hello… I’m back after a much needed break. Long story short, my world was turning into a chaotic mess and I felt like I was being swallowed whole. Not an experience I’v had ever in my life. I’m through it now and things are moving in a positive way. The music is coming along, personal things are on an even keel, I got a much needed promotion on my job and we are “Westward Bound” around this time next year going to our forever home in western Washington State.

First things first.. the photos.. the top two are photos of my daughter’s graduation ceremony. She got her Bachelors degree at The Sarofim School of Fine Arts at Southwestern University.. cum laude ya’ll.. She’s a smart cookie and she worked her ass off. I’m over the top proud of her. Thanks to my son and daughter.in.law, I was able to go down to Texas for a short visit and attend the ceremony. Man.. what a time. I got a full recharge while I was there. My sister, her husband and my niece and nephew with his wife and son, my daughter’s wife, my son, his wife and my granddaughter, and friends Yup.. TONS of LOVE!!! The last picture is Turkey Trot back at home here. Not in this photo is the Girly Turkey that has all the Toms fluffed up.

Next.. music stuff. I pulled the album (NO LIMITS by likuid eklektik)off of my page for the time being. I’m not sure how that mix got by me but, it was down right embarrassing. I have the process down now for setting up my template for mixes and getting much better results. A combination of what I found on YOUTUBE that applies to my program (Logic Pro X) and what was passed on to me by Paul Ramsey (Perfect Pitch Studio, Austin, Texas), has all my mixes out of the DEMO league and finally sounding professional. I’m working on both likuid eklektik and Papa T at the same time currently. And all of it is sounding very good. I’m not forecasting any completion time frame just yet.. it will be a minute before that happens.

So now that I’ve done a restart with updates, I will be sending one out every two weeks until further notice. The next round, I will fill you in with some more detail on the projects as well as a song list for Papa T’s Dub Project #2. Until then, everyone take good care and thank you again for dropping in.

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